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Weichai Group Holds Ceremony and Choral Gala to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China


On the evening of June 30th, Weichai Group hosted the “Heart to the Party, Shoulder the Responsibility” celebration at the Weifang Grand Theater to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The event included an awards ceremony and a choral gala, recognizing outstanding collectives and individuals while celebrating the Party's birthday with resounding songs and fervent enthusiasm. Over 2,000 party members and representatives from Weichai Group attended.

A key tradition of the Weichai Group Party Committee is the annual collective oath-taking for new Party members and the reaffirmation of the Party oath by veteran members. In a solemn atmosphere, 103 new Party members, along with all attendees, raised their right fists, facing the Party flag, and loudly pledged their allegiance.

The ceremony honored the outstanding Communist Party members, excellent Party workers, and advanced grassroots Party organizations of 2023, inspiring everyone to take on the vital task of strengthening the manufacturing industry with even greater determination and to contribute to the Party with remarkable achievements.

With gratitude to the Party and a determination to follow its lead, the venue resonated with powerful singing and fluttering banners. Weichai employees expressed their deep love for the Party and the country through heartfelt songs, reaffirming their steadfast commitment to listening to the Party's call and following its path.



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