Weichai website questionnaire
1. What's your overall impression with Weichai website?
- Satisfied
- Relatively satisfied
- Unsatisfied
Unsatisfied:——》What's the problem in your opinion:
2. (Single choice)Are you satisfied with the design style of our website?
- Satisfied
- Relatively satisfied
- Unsatisfied
3. Are you satisfied with our website update frequency?
- Satisfied
- Relatively satisfied
- Unsatisfied
4. (Multiple choice) What's the channel in our website are you interested in:
- About us
- Products and Service
- Sustainable development
- Human resources
- Media center
5. Can you find the information you need?
- Yes
- No: Please list the information you need:
6. Is there page dislocation, messy code and other obvious issues when you access our website:
- No
Yes: What's the platform you use to access our website:
7. Our website provides serial functions, you frequently use:
- Retrieve
- E-mail subscription
- Comment feedback
- Complaints and feedback
- Online consultation
Do you have any other requirements on the website function or provide website linkage with similar functions? Please provide detailed description.
8. Website access speed:
Fast: What's your country, region?
Slow: What's your country, region?
9. Do you encounter problems when you access our website:
10.Please recommend the website with better experience you have accessed:
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